Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sweet N Pretty jubah & tudung - PRE ORDER WHILE STICK LASTS

Assalamualaikum & warmest greetings from Sweet N Pretty. Syukur alhamdulillah for the opportunity to update this page.

Sweet N Pretty jubah n tudung. Consists of dress, cardigan & tudung. Refreshing vibrant colours. Comfortable. Best worn for all occasion.

Place your order today before stock lasts. Thank you for your patronage & enjoy shopping at Sweet N Pretty.

Material jubah& tudung - Korean jersey Cardigan - Semi Cotton spandex

Free Size

Chest 98cm
Length 140cm

Code: Keisya blue khaky
Price: RM160

Code: Keisha red blue
Price: RM160

Code: Keisya peach maroon
Price: RM160

Code: Keisya black yellow
Price: RM160


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